Middle school students attend Conservation Outdoor Workshop

Posted September 25, 2013 at 1:26 pm



On September 19th, fifth grade students from Clinton County Middle School attended a Conservation Outdoor Workshop Day held at Mountain View Park.

The workshop consisted of different agencies from the county and state which included Natural Resources Conservation Service, Soil Conservation District, Army Corps of Engineers, Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the UK Cooperative Extension Service.

These agencies informed students about the importance of conserving our natural resources as well as our role in conserving and interacting with our environment.

Groups of students rotated between each agency’s stations and learned different topics from each.

In the top photo, 4-H Agent Brandon Pharis talks with students about the history of aqueducts and their significance, the impact they have had on our society today through modern plumbing, and the importance of conserving water in general. Students were also shown a 15 foot model of an aqueduct and and explanation of how engineering and physics were used to make water go uphill to reach its destination without the use of modern technology.

At left, Chris Mason, a Wildlife Biologist from Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife, talked to students about different aspects of wildlife and natural resources found within our community and state.