Turnovers … by Alan B. Gibson

Posted October 16, 2013 at 1:58 pm

OT win means Bulldogs are learning to finish

While everyone in the stands might have been waiting and watching to see if Clinton County and Red Boiling Springs, Tennessee, were going to shake hands following the end of Friday night’s football game on Bulldog field (more about that issue later), the real story was what was really going on down on the turf.

Clinton County was headed into an overtime period with their visiting Bulldog opponents, and when the dust finally cleared, it was our Kentucky Bulldogs who had picked up the “W”.

That 34-26 victory for the Big Blue pushed our 2013 record to the 4-4 mark and gives fans and those watching the program the uplifting notion that after several years of losing, our Bulldogs are not only learning how to win, but have learned not to give up when the chips seem to be against them.

The Bulldogs, after a nice fast start on the year that saw a one-time 3-1 record, had fallen in three straight losses and could have simply thrown in the towel on the season. But not these Bulldogs – they’ve tasted victory and apparently they like it.

Kudos to the team and coaching staff on Friday night’s success!

The Dawgs will be idle this week during the Foothills Festival, and will return to action Friday, October 25 when they travel across the state line to take on yet another Bulldog squad, this time at Clay County (Tennessee) High School.

Runnin’ Dawgs on the move Saturday

There will be a host of runners involved in Saturday morning’s Foothills Festival 5K Run, and among those runners will be several wearing blue and white uniforms.

Local sports fans should take note that these Runnin’ Dawgs from the Clinton County High School and Middle School Cross Country teams have been taking part in the Foothills 5K Run for several years now, showing their support for the local event in the community.

On the other side of that coin, with most of the Runnin’ Dawgs taking part in Saturday morning’s 5K, and with no locally held meets during the season, fans should certainly take advantage of this once a year opportunity to get out and cheer these young athletes on as they make their way toward the finish line.

After all – they’re wearing the Blue and White uniform with pride!

The post-game handshake issue – how stupid was that

I nearly fell out of my chair the other morning while watching Nashville, Tennessee news and learning of the ballyhoo that KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett had stirred up with his email that went out to schools and what was then termed a “directive” from his office for schools to basically stop allowing the post-game ceremony that included players gathering to shake hands in a show of good sportsmanship.

Wiping the egg from his face that was thrown there from a national outcry, Tackett later backed down, saying his email was poorly worded and his suggestion was just that – a recommendation, and if schools were going to allow the post-game handshake ritual, it should be supervised and officials were not to be expected to be the ones doing the supervising.

When was the last time you ever saw any group leave the playing field or floor faster than the game officials do now?

So, with that all behind us, we’re back to the concept that perhaps we should try to teach these young athletes something positive like good sportsmanship, having fun with the game, and trying to learn some lessons that will be used for the rest of their life.

The entire issue immediately reminded me of a Mark Twain quote that I have often used in instances just like the one Tackett started last week:

“It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.”