Conner cited with Navy Achievement Medal

Posted February 19, 2014 at 7:41 pm

Brett ConnerG.psd

Brett G. Conner was awarded Junior Sailor of the Year and earned the Navy Achievement Medal to honor his professional achievement as a Staff Instructor onboard Moored Training Ship 635, at Naval Nuclear Power Training Unit, Charleston, South Carolina from January 2013 to December 2013.

According to information received announcing the awarding of the medal, Petty Officer Conner’s superior administrative and training methods were instrumental in his outstanding performance as Crew Delta’s Staff Training and Qualification Petty Officer.

Conner’s technical expertise made him the easy selection to serve on the reactor control division maintenance team.

Petty Officer Conner’s unwavering dedication to mentoring students, an exceptional level of knowledge, and impeccable watchstanding led to his selection as MTS 635’s Junior Sailor of the Year 2013.

Petty Officer Conner’s exceptional professionalism, unrelenting perseverance, and loyal devotion to duty reflected credit upon himself and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.

Conner, a graduate of Clinton County High School, is the son of Paul and Kathy Conner of Albany.