The Clinton County Elite Diamonds participated in the Cheer Mania on Saturday, February 15, 2014 in Bowling Green, KY.

Posted February 19, 2014 at 7:53 pm


This was the squads first competition of the year and the team took first place in its division, as well as Grand Champion overall, against 15 other squads. Also receiving medals for individual performances were Lexy Freeman, Rachel Antle and Ella Marlow. Pictured from left to right bottom row: MiKayla Smith, Ella Marlow, Emilee Huff, Lexy Freeman, Reagan Miller and Rachel Antle. Back Row from left to right: Coach Sloane Marcum, Belle Marcum, Chelsea Hall, Taylor Staples, Kaylee Davis, Alleigh Conner, Rheagan Leveridge, Katie Marcum, Courtney Wilson, Shelby Brumley, Destiny Tallent, Coach Apryl Freeman and Coach Pam Tarter. Not pictured: Tori Franklin and Jessica Armstrong.