“In God We Trust” has been the official national motto since 1956 and is printed on U.S. currency. The words are now displayed above all four main entrances of the Overton County Courthouse.
County commissioners approved the adornment around a year ago. The cost for the gold letters was decided to be covered by donations, which were provided by local organizations, churches, and individuals.
Sheriff W.B. Melton said, “The churches have been great about giving money for the project.”
Originally the price of the project would have been around $5,000, but the men cut labor costs by putting up the letters on their own.
The group of installers included Jim Clark, Jack Clark, Al Lagassa, and Phillip Williams. The community project also included four inmates from the Overton County Justice Center who aided in moving scaffolds and other equipment.
The national motto was placed above the doors at each entrance to the century-old courthouse in Livingston on Thursday, February 18.
Clark said, “I am proud of it, and I hope everyone else is as well. We appreciate everyone that made donations.”
The fundraising efforts brought in raised enough money to afford another set of letters that they hope to buy and install on the Justice Center. The project has been asked to be placed on the agenda for the next County Commissioners meeting, which will be Monday, March 10.