Letter to the editor

Posted March 26, 2014 at 2:01 pm

To the Editor,

In Frankfort there’s a dog and pony show being put on to try to convince people that right-to-work will actually help Kentucky workers. In reality they are designed for one reason: to give more money and power to big corporations at the expense of Kentucky’s working families.

Right-to-work is unfair. It means that workers do not have to pay dues to keep the benefits of a union-negotiated contract in their workplace. Due to federal laws, the union cannot choose to exclude these individuals like other member organizations could. The real problem comes at negotiation times when with less membership the union is weaker. Which is a huge benefit for the companies and results in lower wages for working people.

Whether or not workers pay union dues, they enjoy the same wage scales, health care and retirement benefits, contractual provisions, and grievance and arbitration procedures.

Supporters of right-to-work often speak of workers being “forced” to join a union as a condition of employment. Union membership in voluntary in Kentucky; it is against federal law for an employee to join a union as a condition of employment. A union member has the freedom to resign his or her membership at any time.

Unions are member organizations, like private clubs, member social organizations, and even the Chamber of Commerce. Elected officers and an elected Executive Board comprised of rank and file members govern many unions, including UFW unions in Kentucky. Like the Chamber of Commerce and other member based organizations there is strength in numbers. The more members a union has in any workplace the stronger those members become. Which translates to higher wages and better benefits for everyone.

Lenora Reed

2842 Hwy. 829

Albany, Ky. 42602

(606) 3867-3162