Saturday downtown events

Posted April 21, 2011 at 1:21 pm

Please support the Saturday downtown events now through October.

* 1st Saturday: Jockey Days and flea market in the Foothills parking lot. You can sell anything and everything, just make sure you own it. Critters, antiques, garage sell, etc. Sponsored by Eli’s on the Square. Spaces are $5 and set up starts at 7 a.m. Hours will be 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 127 Yard Sale and Roller Coaster weekends will also be included for a cost of $10 spaces for only Clinton County, non-commercial items. These two weekends are by reservation only so call Eli to reserve. Money will be used to benefit Clinton County residents (got ideas, let us know.)

* 2nd Saturday: Gospel family entertainment on the Foothills parking lot stage. David McCarty is the coordinator and is looking for fresh local talent suitable for family audiences.

* 3rd Saturday: Antique, muscle and just plain cool car cruise-in around the courthouse. If you have a really good looking or nostalgic car come on down. They may even have food and entertainment.

* 4th Saturday: Mule and horse ride. Everyone will meet by Lisa Beards’ office beside Dollar General. Bring your kids, camera, buggy, sway back pony or coondog for a trail ride around the back streets of Albany. Whoever shows by 10:30 each day will enjoy a fun filled relaxed day. If you have tack, etc. to sell, bring it along.

* 5th Saturday: Day of Rest!