The City of Albany has a new budget in place for the 2014-15 fiscal year following action taken last Tuesday, June 10 by city council with all members present.
Council members had plenty of time to review and crunch the numbers, after having been presented the proposed budget at its May meeting. They subsequently approved the document on first reading early this month and then officially adopted it last week.
The total budget–which is approximately $400,000 under the amount of the 2013-14 budget, is $3,954,317.00. The bulk of that amount is in the water and waste water areas, which takes in over $2.7 million.
The general fund total of estimated receipts and expenditures is $1,056,900.00. There was $62,217 in carryover funds from the present year’s budget.
The general fund breakdown in expenditures per department includes: General Government, $232,850; Police Department, 542,247; Fire Department, $189,620; Street Department, $251,400.00. Counting $50,000 from the Municipal Aid Fund for repairs and upgrades, the total general government amount is $1,216,117.00.
The waste water utilities budget for the coming year is $349,600.
The water utilities budget is $2,388,600 with a combined water utilities and waste water utilities total of $2,738.200.00
The budget does contain small salary increases for city employees as well as an increase of $2,500 in revenue for the recreational park, from $$10,000 this year to $12,500 in the coming year.
After reviewing the budget as presented, council members recommended no changes and last week, on a motion by councilman James “Smitty” Smith and seconded by councilman Leland Hicks, unanimously approved final reading.
The next regular meeting of Albany City Council is scheduled for Tuesday, July 1 at 5 p.m. at city hall and is open to the general public.