Clinton County Board of Education held an approximate half-hour regular meeting Monday evening at the Central Office with all members present as well as board attorney Lindsey Bell.
The board first recognized one retiring teacher, Martha Harlan, who was unable to attend the session.
After approving minutes of four call board meetings in June, approving between meeting disbursements and voting to pay claims and bills, Finance Director Mike Reeves gave his monthly report.
Reeves informed the board that the district had ended the fiscal year on June 30 with a very positive fund balance of a little over $422,000.00. He also reported that new state requirements call for the school districts website to post certain types of information, including financial information, and other school related matters. The district is in the process of adding those updates to the district’s web page.
Board Chairperson Paula Key then gave a rather lengthy monthly personnel report, as follows:
* Certified continuing contracts: Samantha Tompkins, teacher at AES and Kayla Kriek, teacher at CCHS.
* Classified continuing contracts: Dana Shelley and Chris Smith, aides for special needs children at AES; Kathie Upchurch, instructional aide at AES; Frankie Wayne Hughes, migrant coordinator, district-wide; Barbara Thurman, cook at AES; and Jenny Dicken and Paula Gibson, cooks at CCHS.
* Classified hired: Doug Spears, secretary II at CCHS; Michelle Wray, assistant volleyball coach, CCHS; Nick Irwin, boys’ golf coach at CCMS and CCHS and paraprofessional I at the alternative school.
* Classified resignations: Danielle Bowden, paraprofessional I at CCMS; David Butler and David Dorn, bus drivers, district-wide; Ross Dalton, instructional assistant, CCECC.
* Transfers: Barbara Thurman, from 7-hour cook at to 6-hour cook/2-hour bus driver; Anglia Byers, from CCHS instructional aide to AES aide for special needs children; Faye Stearns, from CCHS aide for special needs children to CCECC aide for special needs children; Jeff Lee, from CCECC custodian to CCHS custodian; Nathan Boils, from AES custodian to part-time custodian at each AES and CCHS; Gayle Cooksey, from CCMS custodian to part-time custodian at both CCMS and CCHS; Junior Gregory and Lonnie Shelton from full-time substitute bus drivers to regular bus drivers.
* Classified retired, Harold Littrell, bus driver, district-wide.
Following second reading of policy updates as recommended by the Kentucky School Boards Association, the board approved food service prices recommended by Food Service Director Georgia Rigney.
In relation to school food prices, it was noted that all students in the school system will receive free lunch and breakfast, regardless of income. The food prices set by the board on Monday were adults, visitors to the school, etc. and also prices for any student who wished to purchase a “second” lunch in addition to the free lunch provided.
Later in the meeting, the board also discussed the importance of parents turning in the lunch forms that will have sent home with students prior to the start of the school year, even though all children will be receiving free lunch and breakfast. It was noted that there is information on the lunch form that in important to the district insofar as receiving funding from various state and government programs, including some forms of grant money, thus the information provided on the lunch from can be beneficial to the schools.
The board then approved a blanket purchase agreement to provide a wide range of supplies from the following: Advance Auto, Albany Auto Color, Albany Building Center, Albany Plumbing and Electric, Ferguson Brothers Hardware, Potter’s Ace, Pickett Farm Supply, Dollar General Market, Family Dollar, Dollar Giant, Mighty Dollar, Fred’s, McWhorter’s Variety Store, Wal-Mart Monticello, Sam’s Club and Petco, Cookeville, Tennessee, Roger’s Tire Center, Clinton Tire and Lay Simpson Furniture.
The board then voted to declare approximately 100 items of technology (cpus monitors, etc.) as surplus property because the items were outdated and considered scrap and have been replaced. Creative Recycling Systems, Inc. has the state contract and will purchase the items for recycling.
Superintendent Charlotte Bernard then informed the board about some revisions the Kentucky Department of Education had recommended to the district’s Certified Evaluation Plan, a document that is apparently over 100 pages in length. The CEP had been sent to the state, which made some minor recommended changes and following those changes, has been approved at the state level.
Bernard then gave her monthly superintendent’s report, noting the district’s work on the Certified Evaluation Plan, planning school orientations, updating the district’s web page to add required information and getting ready for the start of the 2014-15 school year in August.
With no public comments made, the meeting was then adjourned.
The next regular meting of the Clinton County Board of Education is scheduled for 5 p.m. Monday, August 11 at the Central Office and is open to the general public.