Only one additional candidate tossed his hat into the ring for political office over the past week and also became the first candidate who is not already holding a seat.
Brad Thrasher became the first non-incumbent and sixth overall candidate for one of the six total seats that make up the Albany City Council. Five other incumbent council members have already filed.
The total number of non-partisan candidates running for city council and two school board races now number eight, with only one person having filed for mayor and only one having filed for school board in district one, made up of the Nora, Piney Woods and Snow precincts.
There are still no candidates for the district five school board seat that serves the precincts of Hayes-Maupin and South Albany.
County Clerk Sheila Booher would also like to remind both voters and potential candidates, especially those considering running in the city limits, that if they have questions as to their exact voting precinct status to call her office at 387-5943 and they would inform them of exactly which precinct they are legally registered in.
The deadline to file for non-partisan races is Tuesday, August 12 at 4 p.m. in the county clerk’s office.