The Twin Lakes Family Wellness Center’s financial and now legal issues continue to be ongoing and was once again discussed at the most recent meeting of Clinton County Fiscal Court.
However, what was discussed wasn’t disclosed as it came during a “closed session” of the court’s regular meeting last Thursday evening, July 17.
As has often been the case with discussions of the Wellness Center situation, and with a host of other topics in recent months, the fiscal court opted to take the talks out of the view of the public, hiding instead behind closed doors to conduct county business.
All court members were present. However, Clinton County Judge/Executive Lyle Huff was out-of-town attending another meeting and was absent. County Attorney Michael Rains was also present.
Only two “administrative items of business was listed on the agenda for the meeting, which lasted just over an hour, with approximately 45-minutes of that time being behind closed doors.
Following the presentation, Jesse Stockton, who had requested to discuss the Wellness Center at the court meeting, was recognized. However, due to the discussion pertaining to issues that apparently involve litigation, the court voted unanimously to enter into closed session to discuss what issues were brought up.
During the session, two other Wellness Center officials, Bro. Bobby Grant and Center Director Charlotte Dick, were allowed to remain in the closed door portion of the meeting.
Local businessman Weldon Haddix, who was also present at the meeting, was not allowed in the closed session and was not represented by legal counsel.
Haddix, through his attorney, David Choate, recently filed a lien against the facility for a past propane fuel debt. Further, he has ascertained he may file a civil action in circuit court against the Wellness Center and county if the issue isn’t resolved. As of presstime Tuesday, July 22, no suit had been officially filed.
Following the closed session, in which EMS Director Lonnie Scott was also called in to talk to magistrates, the court came back into open session, announced ‘no action taken’ and the meeting was adjourned.
(The fiscal court held a special call meeting this past Tuesday afternoon, too late for press deadline, to discuss the Wellness Center. Details of that meeting will be published next week.)
Also during the meeting last week, the court:
* Approved, via resolution, the Lake Cumberland District Health Department tax rate;
* Voted to pay claims and bills;
* On separate motions, approved the treasurer’s monthly, quarterly and annual reports.
One item that wasn’t on the agenda was taken up early in the meeting when court members heard a request and presentation pertaining to the county possibly applying to become a Work Ready in Progress Community by the Workforce Development Board. (A separate article on that presentation and the Work Ready project can be found beginning on page 1.)
The next regular meeting of Clinton Fiscal Court is scheduled for August 21 at 5 p.m. at the courthouse and is open to the public.