The financial woes that have plagued the Twin Lakes Family Wellness Center for at least a year now may soon be over according to information released last week via social media.
A post on social media noted that the Wellness Center had received an “anonymous” donation that would allow them to pay off the propane gas bill that had been in arrears for quite some time.
Wellness Center board member Lisa Beard confirmed last Friday that an anonymous pledge had been made that would allow the bill to Haddix Gas and Electric to be paid off by December. She also added that monthly payments, plus extra amounts, were being paid to South Kentucky RECC to pay down the debt owed the electric utility company.
Weldon Haddix, owner of Haddix Gas and Electric, said he hadn’t seen the contract being worked on with the board and his attorney, David Choate, but said to his understanding there is supposed to be a payment (on the propane bill) made now with installments to be paid later in about four payments.
“I don’t know who is putting the money up,” Haddix said on Monday of this week. “They (Wellness Center officials) went through David Choate, who informed me about it,” he said.
Haddix said they have agreed to the settlement and the lien filed against the facility earlier this year because of the debt would no doubt be lifted once the debt is paid. But, he did also say, about the proposed settlement itself, that he had to learn it second-hand when people had asked him about the issue.
Haddix also said that although the settlement with the Wellness Center board was being agreed to, he was “disappointed that we had to go this far” before something could be worked out.
Pastor Bobby Grant, who has been a day one supporter of the fitness center and played a key role in getting the facility for Albany and Clinton County, starting the process over nine years ago, said, “If you believe in miracles, this is one of them.”
He said an anonymous donor had graciously come forward and the Wellness Center was now well on the way to total financial stability. “We’re getting on a solid rock and beginning to see the light,” said Grant, adding, “we give God all the credit.
Grant added they (board) will no longer have to worry about going to the county or city government for help.
Grant said the Wellness Center was like any other business, it has a lot of overhead, but said with the recent donation, the facility was “strong and getting stronger.” He also added he was thankful for the anonymous donor and people like them in the community.
“Nine years ago, we put a board together and the first thing we did was prayed and dedicated the building to God,” Grant said, adding the timing of the announced donation couldn’t have been better.
He sees the facility as moving forward on its own by being operated as a business with the programs it offers, noting its rates were the lowest of any such facility in the area. He also said that some companies now require employees to take some type of fitness program and noted insurance companies often offer discounts to those employers that offer fitness programs to their employees.
No one interviewed following the news of the anonymous donations would, or could, give specifics, but both Beard and Grant said that after the board’s next meeting on August 14, they planned on issuing a detailed press release on the matter and the status of the Wellness Center facility.