Clinton County Board of Education held its first meeting on the first day of school, Monday evening, August 11 with all members present.
The board first made an amendment to the agenda to include a medical leave of absence, discussion of the board meeting schedule and a closed session.
Consent items where then approved which included paying claims and bills, between meeting disbursements, approving an educational leave to Vivian Talbott for the 2014-15 school year and two family medical leaves to Donna DeRossett from August 11 through October 21 and Donna Dalton from August 4 through September 1.
Following the monthly finance report by Finance Director Mike Reeves, board chairperson Paula Key read the monthly personnel report, as follows:
* Certified resignations: Valerie Flanagan and Joyce Groce, teachers and Josh Moons, Athletic Director, all at the middle school.
* Certified hired: Scott Gregory, teacher at Albany Elementary; Joyce Groce, Assistant Principal and Brandon Pharis and Ashley Hardin, teachers, all at CCMS; Amber Poore and Amanda Hatfield, teachers at the high school; Jessica Conner, girls’ golf coach at CCMS and CCHS and James Walker, girls’ soccer coach at CCHS.
* Certified transfers: Gina Poore from CCHS teacher to Gifted and Talented teacher and Kevin O’Brien from CCMS teacher to Foothills Academy teacher.
* Classified hired: Mark Dalton and David Garner, full-time substitute bus drivers, district-wide.
* Classified resignations: Dana Dalton, paraprofessional and Mike Matthews, head baseball coach, both at CCMS; Scottie Stockton, assistant baseball coach at CCHS and Lisa Gibson, cook at the Early Childhood Center.
* Classified transfers: Peggy Stinson from CCECC cook to bus monitor; Deloris Marcum from bus monitor to cook at CCECC and Paula Gibson from CCHS cook to CCECC cook.
The board then discussed the possibility of having two scheduled board meetings each month, with action to apparently be taking on the measure in September.
Superintendent Charlotte Bernard said that regular board meetings are somewhat involved with a lot of issues and has recommended a “work session” meeting each month, prior to the regular meeting where items are voted on.
Bernard has recommended moving the regular meetings from the second Monday of each month to the third Monday with the board to conduct a non-action work session the Wednesday afternoon prior to each regular meeting. Although the work session meetings would not see any actions taken, they would still be open to the general public.
The board also voted to establish a four-hour per day, 180 days per year cook position at the middle school; approved contracts with Adanta and Head Start for the 2014-15 year and approved the Supervision of Students Plan for each of the four school for the current year.
Jeff Pharis then presented the board with a year-end report from the Alternative School (Clear Creek Academy) with some of the highlights of the year being as follows:* Clear Creek has enrolled 41 students since August 6, 2013, 10 for behavior/discipline and 31 for credit recovery. Students by grade included: 5th grade, one; 6th grade, two; 8th grade, two; 9th grade, eight; 10th grade, nine; 11th grade, three and 12th grade, 16, as well as one fifth-year senior.
* 15 of 16 seniors met graduation requirements and graduated; one student passed 8th grade in the fall semester, then completed the freshman core classes in the spring semester.
* 71.82 percent class average in passed classes.
* As a class: enrolled students in 225 courses; passed 179 courses; failed 46 courses; 225 total-79 percent passing rate.
The board then held a closed session on proposed or pending litigation but took no action.
The next regular meting of the school board is scheduled for September 8 at 5 p.m. at the Central Office and is open to the public.