Recycling bins in danger of being removed if ‘dumping’ of trash continues

Posted August 13, 2014 at 1:32 pm


It has become an almost “annual” event now and Albany Mayor Nicky Smith is once again concerned that the recycle bins set up in east Albany near the city’s maintenance building may be taken away from legitimate users if the “illegal dumping” at the facility continues.

The two bins, which are used by both city and county residents, is again in danger of being removed by its owners, Somerset Recycling Center, due to trash and other “non-recyclable” items being placed in and around the bins.

The recycling containers were obtained several years ago through the efforts of a school organization and was originally placed inside the parking lot at the Westview Shopping Center. However, the containers were moved from that more open location for about the same reasons it is now in danger of being taken back–they were being used for purposes not intended for recycling. Trash, household garbage and sometimes even old furniture has been found at the site.

When Somerset Recycling first donated the bins, it was to be used only for specific recycling items such as cardboard, plastics and paper (including newspapers, magazines, etc.) Items specifically not to be allowed are things such as household trash, garbage, furniture and other non-recyclable items.

An official from Somerset Recycling viewed the site where the bins are located and noted that if the illegal trash dumping continues, the company would likely take the recycle bins back.

Mayor Smith said he would hate to lose them, saying, “that’s one of the good things we have to offer the public.”

The bins, which are a joint project of the city and county, supply employees for emptying the containers at least once a week and hauling the recyclable items to the site in Somerset.

The only cost to either entity is the manpower provided and fuel it takes to drive to Somerset weekly. There are no charge to anyone using the recycle bins. In all, over 100 local residents take advantage of the recycling program and use it for the purposes intended.

Last year, the bins were moved closer to the city building and extra police patrol was added, but that hasn’t stopped people from using the containers illegally.

Mayor Smith said officials from Somerset Recycling also noted that of all the bins they supply to surrounding areas, Albany is the only location where they are used for trash dumping and said the city was told the next time household trash was found, they may take them back.

Most of the illegal dumping is done at night and on weekends, the mayor theorized. He also added if the bins were to be taken, “it would be hard to get them back.”

Residents caught dumping anything other than recyclable products in the dumpsters will be charged with littering.

Anyone with any questions about the use of the recycling bins, including what can and cannot be placed in them, should call Albany City Hall at 387-6011.