Ho! Ho! Ho!
Thanksgiving is already here and that means that another Christmas season is upon us.
It’s also time for children to begin making their wish lists and sending them to the North Pole in time to get there by Christmas Eve.
Once again, the Clinton County News is pleased to announce we will be helping all children get their letters to Santa Claus on time, as we are now accepting letters from individuals, groups, and school classes.
The deadline for all letters is 4 p.m., Friday, December 5. Any letter received after that date cannot be guaranteed publication, at least in our annual Christmas Section edition.
Classes and groups are urged to email their letters to gpcompany@kih.net. Further, all other letters should be “legible” and include an adult name and phone number in case there is a question to legibility or content. Merry Christmas from everyone at the Clinton County News!