by Forest F. Harvey
For the last three or four years I have written stories about Christmas. In my eighty years of living I have seen it change from “Merry Christmas” to “merry xmas” and now to “Happy Holidays” and/or “Seasons Greetings”
Many object to the Nativity Scene.
Cults and some religious groups say that Christ was not born on December the 25th. Others say that He was not born at all. Christians do not say he was born on December 25th. Shepherds were not in the field with sheep on December 25th. Christmas is the day on which we celebrate the Birth of Christ. The term “Christmas” means “Mass of Christ.”
Protestants and Roman Catholics celebrate Christmas on December 25.
One thing that has been added to the celebrating and gets worse every year is the use of alcohol or other (legal or illegal) addictive agents.
I am saddened as I hear and read news during the holiday season pertaining to deaths and injuries due to alcohol, etc. Do not spend this joyful time of the year impaired or leave this world before your time. If you must drink, do not drive. Do not have someone knocking on your door to tell your family that you will not be home for Christmas. This takes place every year all over the United States.
Have a happy holiday season and “joy” to you and “Merry Christmas!
Forest F. Harvey
“Christmas living is the best kind of Christmas giving.”
…Van Dyke
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