Addiction counseling available
Narconon would like to remind families that the use of addicting drugs is on the rise, take steps to protect your family from drug use. If you know anyone who is struggling with drug addiction get them the help they need.
Call for a free brochure on the signs of addiction for all drugs. Narconon also offers free screenings and referrals. 800-431-1754 or
Homemakers Christmas Village December 5
The Homemakers Annual Christmas Village will be held on Friday, December 5th at the Learning Center from 5:00-7:30 p.m. Participants ages 3-12 will be allowed to purchase up to six gifts for family members. Most items cost $5 or less.
Homemaker elves will shop with the children so that gifts will be a true surprise when opened. Story time, singing, and simple crafts will be available. Santa will be there, so bring your camera for those special holiday photos!
Community donations of handmade gift items, gift bags, tissue paper, name tags, tape, etc. are welcome. Volunteers are appreciated as well. For more information, contact the Extension Office at 387-5404.
Commercial Poultry Grower Program
The Clinton County Extension Service and Kentucky Poultry Federation are hosting a poultry growers meeting on December 9th at the Clinton County Fairgrounds starting at 10:00 am CST.
Several vendors will be on hand to talk with growers about services and products they offer to the poultry industry. The speakers for the meeting will include UK specialist Doug Overhults, LEI –Products President Scott Laskowski, Lubing USA area rep Barry Dutton, and GOAP area contact Bill McCloskey.
Information will be presented on poultry house lighting and energy savings, biomass/wood heating systems, energy grants, and drinker line management. A meal will be served following the presentations.
School board regular meeting
Clinton County Board of Education will hold its regular monthly meeting Monday, December 8 at 5 p.m. at the Central Office board room. The meeting is open to the general public.
Park board special meeting
The Recreation Park Board will hold a special call meeting/Christmas dinner Monday, December 8 at 6 p.m. at the Horseshoe Grill. The meeting is open to the general public.
City employee Christmas dinner
The annual City of Albany Christmas dinner for its employees will be Thursday, December 4 at 6 p.m. at the Fairground’s building. All city employees and their families are invited to attend.
Christmas at the Library
Christmas at the Library will be Saturday, December 13 from 9 to 11 a.m. Come join us for a visit from Santa, ornament making, cookies and cocoa, and more!! Stay for a minute or for a while, it’s up to you!
Migrant Parent Advisory Council
Clinton County Schools Migrant Program will have a Parent Advisory Council meeting at 6 p.m. Thursday, December 11 at the Early Childhood Center. Cindy Choate, CCHS Guidance Counselor, will make a presentation on our school’s graduation requirements and individual learning plans. We will also discuss this year’s parent surveys. There will be gifts for each child enrolled in the Migrant program. There will be pizza and refreshments with a bundle opening following the meeting. All parents who have children enrolled in the Migrant program please try to attend this meeting. For more information please call 387-6272.
Christmas Craft Fair/Bazaar in Burkesville December 6
Busy Bees Daycare’s Relay for Life Team, Kids for a Cure, is hosting a Christmas Craft Fair/Bazaar on Saturday, December 6. This will be held from 9 am-4 pm at the Burkesville First Christian Church Fellowship Hall in Burkesville, Ky.
Booth space can be rented for a $25 donation, all proceeds go to the American Cancer Society. Please contact Betty Morgan at 270-864-5622 or 270-459-1045 to reserve a booth.
Santa Letter deadline
A reminder that all Santa letters should be submitted to the office of the Clinton County News no later than Friday, December 5 at 4 p.m. to assure publication in the special Christmas Section edition. Individuals, schools, and other groups are urged to email letters to before the deadline if possible. All individual letters need to include name and phone number in case of questions about legibility.
Farmhouse donating 100 meals
The Farmhouse Restaurant, Byrdstown, Tennessee, will once again be donating 100 meals for those who won’t be having a Christmas dinner in Albany/Clinton County, Kentucky. These will be delivered on Christmas Eve morning between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Reservations will be taken for deliveries from Monday, December 1 through the evening of Saturday, December 17 or until meals are all reserved. To make reservations call 387-0005. Do not leave a message on the answering machine, you must talk to a person. They will need your name, phone number and physical address (no P.O. Boxes please) and number of meals needed. The youth group from Westview Christian Church will be delivering the meals on Christmas Eve.
Ferrill retirement celebration
Come join us for a retirement celebration for Jailer Gene Ferrill to be held Saturday, December 6, 2014 from 12 noon to 4 p.m. at the Albany First Baptist Church fellowship hall (located behind Campbell-New Funeral Home). Come share your stories and reminisce with Gene as we wish him a healthy and happy retirement. Hosted by family and friends.