South Kentucky RECC All ‘A’
Classic Scholarship winners include two CCHS seniors

Posted January 14, 2015 at 8:10 pm


South Kentucky RECC All ‘A’

Classic Scholarship winners include two CCHS seniors

South Kentucky Rural Electric Cooperative is pleased to announce that three $1,000 Touchstone Energy All “A” Classic Scholarships have been awarded to seniors in our service territory.

Class “A” schools are those with an enrollment of 425 or less, in grades 10 through 12.

Receiving $1,000 scholarships are Rachel Claborn, Clinton County High School, daughter of Michael and Pina Claborn; Ansley Stalcup, Clinton County High School, daughter of J. R. and Patricia Stalcup; Marlon Moran, Somerset High School, son of Octavio and Iris Hernandez.

Claborn, Stalcup, and Moran were among the more than 400 seniors vying for the scholarships. The Touchstone Energy All “A” Classic Scholarship interviews were held in Frankfort on January 3 at Kentucky State University, and 130 students, in all, were interviewed.

This year, Kentucky’s Touchstone Energy Cooperatives, including South Kentucky RECC, and the All “A” Classic gave away 60 scholarships to students across the state. It is expected that, at least, 30 additional students will receive in-kind $1,000 scholarships from Kentucky colleges by the end of summer. To date, about $2 million has been disbursed in academic awards and scholarships through the All “A” Classic.

South Kentucky RECC CEO Allen Anderson said, “South Kentucky RECC congratulates these three on receiving scholarships. We are proud of their accomplishment.

“Investing in our young men and women is a sound and rewarding investment that produces great returns. South Kentucky RECC is extremely pleased to be associated with the Touchstone Energy All “A” Classic, which helps so many students in our service area achieve their dreams and attend college.”

Stan Steidel, All “A” Classic chairperson, said this has been a very successful program.

“Once again we had great participation from some of the brightest kids in Kentucky,” Steidel said. “It’s a pleasure to be able to help them. This program would not be possible without the sponsorship and cooperation of South Kentucky RECC and other Touchstone Energy Cooperatives.”

For more information, or to print an application for a scholarship from the All “A” Classic, visit their website at The scholarship applications are due in December each year.


Rachel Claborn

Ansley Stalcup