Why should your child participate in school breakfast program daily?
Source: School Nutrition Association
FACT: Students who eat breakfast have better attention and memory. Research indicates the quality of foods children eat impacts cognition — with poor nutrition linked with absenteeism, hunger symptoms and psychosocial problems.
FACT: Students who eat school breakfast attend, on average, 1.5 more days of school per year and score 17.5 percent higher on standardized math tests.
FACT: Students who participate in school breakfast show improved attendance, behavior, standardized achievement test scores as well as decreased tardiness. Providing students with breakfast in the classroom setting is associated with lower tardy rates and fewer disciplinary office referrals.
FACT: The School Breakfast Program significantly improves the cognitive abilities and learning capacities of children. Significantly, the better outcomes associated with school breakfast include educational preparedness (attendance, energy, alertness, memory) and educational outcome measurements (math scores, grades, reading ability).
School Breakfast Week is Monday, March 2nd through Friday, March 6. Please encourage your child to eat breakfast each day.
Healthy Hometown is working toward a “healthy” Clinton County.
Albany Elementary students can get no cost fruit and vegetable snacks
Albany Elementary School will have the option to get fresh fruit or vegetables at no cost for snack on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Students encouraged to eat breakfast
Students are encouraged to eat breakfast every morning. Clinton County School District offers FREE breakfast and lunch to ALL children.
For more information please contact April Speck, Clinton County Healthy Hometown Coordinator at 606-387-2051 or april.speck@clinton.kyschools.us