Albany City Council held a short regular session last Tuesday evening at city hall with all members present and a brief business agenda.
After approving minutes for the February meeting, Mayor Nicky Smith updated the council on the proposed nuisance ordinance that is being drawn up for the city.
Smith said he was continuing to compile information and was also considering adding something in the ordinance that may deal with the problems surrounding dogs roaming streets that are not on a leash. He said there have been some recent complaints about those type dogs disturbing residents.
The council then voted to approve an inter-local agreement with the Workforce Investment Area (WIA), which is administered through the Lake Cumberland Area Development District and assists with helping find work for people in the 10-county AD District area, including Clinton County.
The mayor and council members also thanked all city employees, especially the street and water departments, for their hard work during the most recent winter storms that hit the area, and also thanked the county for their assistance with supplying some additional salt and other types of assistance.
The mayor noted that since a disaster had been declared at all levels during the storm event, including local, state and federal, the city may be in line for some assistance in the future from the state or federal government to assist in the cleanup costs.
The council also discussed some minor water and street issues and congratulated both the Clinton County Lady Bulldogs and Bulldogs on their successful 2014-15 basketball seasons.
The next regular meeting of Albany City Council is scheduled for Tuesday, April 7 at 5 p.m. at city hall and is open to the public.