IDA votes to help fund fireworks, state fair promotion in August

Posted June 16, 2015 at 7:32 pm

The Clinton County Industrial Development Authority, meeting for the first time since February, opted to give its annual support as co-sponsor of the July 4th fireworks event and also supported the Chamber of Commerce’s annual promotion “Pride of the Counties” booth set-up at the Kentucky State Fair.

Four members were present for the regular meeting last Thursday morning, June 11 with Vice-Chairman Keith McWhorter conducting the meeting in the absence of Chairman Jim Soma, who is on vacation.

Also present was IDA executive director Charlette Koger, legal counsel Terran Helm, board members Crystal Irwin, Deborah Brown and Barney Latham as well as Rick Mercader, representing the local Chamber of Commerce.

The board first voted to pay claims and bills and approved the CCIDA expenditure report.

On a motion by Irwin, the board voted to allot $1,500–the usual amount–to help pay for the July 4th fireworks show to be held at Mountain View Park next month. It was noted the cost of the event this year, following some negotiations, would be $5,000 to put on, compared to last year’s tab of around $8,500, with a guaranteed show to last between 20-22 minutes, according to Mercader.

Following a brief discussion, the board also voted, on a motion by Latham, to allot one-half of the expense (shared with the Chamber of Commerce) for the promotional booth “Pride in the Counties” at the Kentucky State Fair in August.

Last year, the total expenses for the IDA share was $1,200.00.

During the discussion, McWhorter noted he would favor a transient fee for lodging establishments in Albany and Clinton County, which would be used to promote tourism and support a tourism board locally. He noted that everywhere he stayed overnight out-of-town, he had to pay that fee to other areas and said most all counties in the state, including all area counties, have such a fee charged to visitors who use motels, hotels and other lodging places.

Mercader also quoted most recent dollar numbers pertaining to how much tourism means to the local area, saying in 2013, Clinton County’s tourism revenue amounted to $6.6 million and skyrocketed to $10.1 million in 2014. Statewide, tourism revenue dollars last year were some $8 billion.

Koger also informed the board that a projected IDA budget would have to be put together by the end of this month and said the board now has a new auditing firm which is saving quite a bit of money to do the annual audits, one of which is required by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) which funds the money used by the Industrial Authority to make business loans.

After a brief discussion on a possible future loan prospect, the half-hour meeting was adjourned, with the next regular meeting of the Industrial Development Authority being scheduled for August 13.