New event adds a little ‘spice’ to 2015 Fair

Posted June 23, 2015 at 7:11 pm


A new event took place Thursday night during Family Night at the Clinton County Fair with the Hot Pepper Eating Contest.

With nine brave spectators signing the waiver to compete, two made it all the way to the end after eating 10 peppers.

Buddy Longwell, top right, is shown eating the winning pepper to take first place over Dipesh Soma.

Both Longwell and Soma, pictured bottom right, ate all 10 peppers on the list. However, Longwell ate the hottest pepper on the list twice in order to secure first place and win a bottle of hot sauce and a $50 gift card to Hunter’s Barbecue.

The peppers on the list were rated one through 10 according to the Scoville Scale used to measure hotness of each pepper.

With a zero on the SHU (Scoville Heat Units), contestants started out with a banana pepper, then moved on to a spicy banana pepper with 300 SHU and then ate a poblano pepper with 1,000 SHU.

Fourth on the list was the ever popular jalapeno pepper with a SHU measurement of 2,500, followed by the number five pepper on the list, the serrano with a SHU of 11,000.

Sixth was the habanero rated at 100,000 SHU, followed by the cherry bomb with 445,000. Eighth on the list is the ghost pepper with a million SHU. Number nine on the list was the scorpion pepper with a 1.4 million SHU.

The final pepper on the list with a SHU of 2.2 million was the Carolina Reaper. Both Longwell and Soma ate the Carolina Reaper to tie in the contest, but Longwell downed the second Carolina Reaper in order to take the win.

