To the Editor,
It’s a sad day in America when a group of people can have history removed and our elected officials jump on board in Frankfort and Washington. What happens if those of us southerners, if some prejudice group, say we also remind them of slavery. Will those same elected officials agree and remove us?
It’s a fact that there was two nations in America, one North, one South, and Kentucky was not neutral. Congress voted Kentucky the 13th CSA (Confederate States of America) and over 50,000 soldiers from Kentucky served in the CSA military.
It’s odd that some groups of people can remember and still remember slavery 150 years ago but can’t remember in 2014 there was in America 80,000 women kidnapped off the streets and sold into prostitution and some as young as 12-14 years old and treated worse than animals, yes even mutilated and murdered. America will pay dearly, it’s a fact. What about the 176 officers murdered in 2014 in America protecting you? Is this not slavery and hateful conduct against justice, life and liberty? Beyond any doubt.
What about the veteran? They are the only reason America even exists at all. The veterans sleep in card- board boxes under plastic, eating out of garbage cans and being the highest unemployed in America while making up less than nine percent of the population and over 25 percent of America’s homeless. At the same time, our politicians have sent billions to nations that support terrorists and billions on so-called illegals (criminals), about 11 million now here just for a vote.
Do you know that any politician that’s been in office for the past 10 years has let 20,000 or more veterans kill themselves because they could not get medical care, than was killed in the years of the Vietnam War? Do the math (not meth). The average is 22 or more a day. The veterans honored this country only to be dishonored by the country they were willing to die for and many did die for of all denominational religions worshiping creation instead of the Creator. I am American, always have been, always will be.
Thank your for your time.
J.E. Brown
Albany, Kentucky