Grazing field day will be September 19 on Jim Delk farm
The Clinton and Russell County Extension Offices along with the UK Master Grazer program and the Clinton County Soil Conservation District are partnering to host a grazing field day this Saturday, September 19th.
The program will be held at the Jim Delk farm on Albany Landing Road, watch for UK signs leading to the farm entrance. Registration will begin at 8:00 a.m., with program beginning at 8:30 a.m., lunch will be provided, sponsored by Blue Grass Stockyards of Albany.
UK Extension Specialists Dr. Ray Smith and Dr. Jeff Lehmkuhler will present on the topics of the benefits of rotational grazing, grazing math concepts, stocking rates, and stockpiling fescue and UK Master Grazer Coordinator Austin Sexten will discuss mineral requirements for grazing.
Monroe County ANR Agent Ken Johnson will talk about setting up temporary fencing and fence chargers. Joe Russell with NRCS will demonstrate how to calibrate a no-till drill and proper seeding depths for grasses and clover.
Corey Anderson with the Farm Service Agency will discuss programs available through FSA.
For more information please call the Extension Office at 606-387-5404.
Beef Quality Assurance
meetings coming up
Beef Quality Assurance meetings will be held on Tuesday, September 22nd and Thursday, September 24th at 5:30 p.m. at the Clinton County Extension Office, producers approved for cost-share under the large animal investment area are required to have a valid BQA number.
The BQA meeting will last approximately one hour. BQA certification cost is $5 and valid for three years. More BQA meetings will be planned for the fall and winter, so if you can’t make one of the above dates, there will be other opportunities to get BQA certified. For more information or to enroll in BQA training please call the Extension Office at 606-387-5404.
Educational programs of the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability or national origin.