Albany United Church took ten quizzers to Danville, Kentucky September 5 to compete in the first district quiz of the season.
There were a total of 12 teams competing and eight churches represented. United entered three teams, one in the experienced division and two in the novice division.
The experienced team consisting of Silas Melton, Chris Claborn and Amber Cross won first place. The novice team consisting of Kaylee Stearns, Brianna Sparks and Teghan Hurd placed third.
It was a great day of ministry in God’s word and fellowship with the youth.
Any church interested in quizzing or participating with Albany United, please contact Angela Melton at 306-1920 or Pastor David Dorn at 688-2927.
The entire United team that competed are pictured in the top photo, back row, left to right: Silas Melton, Chris Claborn, Victoria White, Kaylee Stearns, Hayley Brown, Taylor Burchett, and Teghan Hurd. Front row, left to right: Amber Cross, Brianna Sparks and Danielle Elliott.
The third place novice team, left to right: Kaylee Stearns, Brianna Sparks and Teghan Hurd.
Shown above are Chris Claborn, Amber Cross and Silas Melton, members of the first place experienced team.