October is PRIDE Cleanup month; volunteers sought

Posted October 21, 2015 at 2:03 pm
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Now is the time to volunteer for southern and eastern Kentucky’s fall cleanup campaign, Roadside PRIDE.

“These sunny days are the perfect time for outdoor projects, like making your yards, roads and parks look their best,” said Tammie Wilson of PRIDE, the non-profit organization that organizes volunteer cleanup events across the 42-county region.

“If we pick up litter now, then we’ll be ready to welcome visitors who travel to see our gorgeous scenery,” Wilson said. “We like to say ‘Take PRIDE, company is coming,’ to remind us that a clean environment and a successful tourism industry go hand in hand. Of course, we all will enjoy the views more too if there aren’t bottles and bags in the ditches.”

“Roadside PRIDE is a win-win, really,” she said. “When you volunteer, you soak in the beautiful weather, you serve your community, you enjoy the clean scenery, and you make your community attractive to tourists.”

The Roadside PRIDE campaign encourages volunteers to pick up litter near their home, church, business or favorite spot this fall.

PRIDE provides trash bags and gloves to volunteers who pick up litter and dispose of it with their own trash. For assistance, please call the PRIDE office, toll free, at 1-888-577-4339.

Volunteers may contact their local PRIDE Coordinator after they pick up litter and dispose of it with their trash. The coordinator will add the volunteer hours to the city or county’s Roadside PRIDE tally. PRIDE will recognize the region’s cities and counties with the most Roadside PRIDE volunteers.

“Your community may recruit volunteers for a Roadside PRIDE event, so stay turned to your local media,” Wilson said.

Clinton County PRIDE most recent statistics include:

— 156 homes in Clinton County received funding from the Homeowner Septic System Program; 64 homes in the county have been affected by the Wastewater Construction Projects.

Cleanup total summary:

* One stream/lake/river cleaned;

* Five dumps eliminated;

* 93 roadways cleaned;

* 184 miles of roadway cleaned;

* Four appliances collected;

* 6,206 tires collected;

* 1,494 bags of trash and 15 tons of trash collected;

* 2,034 volunteers contributed 4,944 volunteer hours;

* 50 bags of recycling.

To volunteer or for more information about the Roadside PRIDE Cleanup, contact Clinton County PRIDE Coordinator Tuesday Davis at 606-387-5234 or tdavisfs@yahoo.com.