Healthy Notes …

Posted December 9, 2015 at 9:30 pm

Amanda Conner Before.psd

Clinton County Healthy

Hometown Coalition

salutes Amanda Arms Conner for making healthy choices

Amanda Conner After.psd

by Amanda Arms Conner

If you’re struggling with weight loss today, look at what you can accomplish in a year. The way I see it, you have three choices. Number 1 you can continue to eat the way you want with fast food, junk food, and soda pops, Number 2 try the quick fix solutions, diet pills etc. or Number 3 you can make a lifestyle change.

As an RN I know what options 1 and 2 can do to your body. I see heart disease, diabetes, obesity, etc. almost every day I go in for a 12 hour shift. I have four energetic, adorable children that deserve to have a healthy mother.

I want to show them that eating healthy, proper exercise and staying active is very important for their health. I also hope to teach them that if you want something bad enough and work hard for it, you can achieve it.

Daily I have people that ask me, “How do you do it?” It is quite simple – I wanted it! Yes, I am a single mom who works two jobs and I could easily use all this as an excuse but I wanted a healthier me. Not a skinny me but a healthier, fit me!

My best friend looked at me last year and said, “Amanda, give me six months. Come to our workout class and I promise you will see a change.” So I did and one year later I am down 50 lbs.!

This was accomplished by changing my eating habits and exercising. Weight loss and getting the body you want is 70 percent nutrition.

For me, it has been a high protein diet, meal planning and being in the gym at least five days a week!

We have an amazing wellness center right here in our small town. Even with my crazy schedule, the 24/7 access of the wellness center has made it convenient for me.

In my before pic I was in a size 16 jean and I just recently replaced my jeans with a size 5/6. I still have goals that I want to reach, but I’m closer today than I was yesterday!

For more information please contact April Speck, Clinton County Healthy Hometown Coordinator at 606-387-2051 or

Check us out on Facebook- Kentucky’s Healthy Hometown Initiative-Clinton County.

Healthy Hometown is working toward a “healthy” Clinton County.