Several from Albany earn Deans List, Presidents List honors at WKU

Posted January 20, 2016 at 3:52 pm

Several students from Albany were included on the Dean’s List and President’s List at Western Kentucky University for the Fall, 2015 semester.

Students making the Dean’s List have a grade-point average of 3.4 to 3.79 in a 4.0 scale.

Students on the President’s List have GPAs of 3.8 to 4.0 and are indicated by an asterisk (*).

To be eligible for either list, students must have at least 12 hours of coursework that semester.

Those students according to WKU Public Affairs, were: India N. Talbott, Erin M. McWillia, Mindie D. Anderson*, Kasey D. Conner, Allison P. Jarvis, Ryan M. Beard, Crystal E. Stinson*, Manda G. Sloan, Keifer A. Dalton, Craig R. Ostertag, Brooke S. Wright, Ethan L. Smith, Donald K. Wiggington.