Fire Chief Robert Roeper said no one was in the house at the time of the fire and that the fire seemed to have started in the bathroom.
“It started in the bathroom and moved down the hallway and got up into the attic,” Roeper said. “There was a space heater in the bathroom and I suspect the fire started from it.”
Fire fighters performed an inside attack on the flames and got it under control before the entire structure was consumed.
“There is a lot of smoke damage, but it’s fixable,” Roeper said.
During the winter months, space heaters and fireplaces are used to keep homes warm. Roeper said to prevent home fires, people need to pay attention to their outlets and make sure circuits are not overloaded. Above, Bozie York and Alex Beaty worked to extinguish the fire Tuesday night. The photo below shows the house still smoking after firefighters extinguished the flames.