Twin Lakes Cattle Association holds quarterly meeting
The Twin Lakes Cattle Association. held its first quarterly scheduled meeting on January 26 at the South Ky. RECC building in Albany.
A large crowd was in attendance to enjoy grilled beef burgers, baked taters, corn-on-the-cob, and homemade pies to open the evening’s program.
The educational part of the program began with a presentation by Brad Carter of Burkmann Feeds in Glasgow, Ky. Carter gave an informative talk and slide presentation about the need for essential minerals, particularly phosphorous, in the diet of beef cattle.
He explained to the group most producers are feeding hay right now that is low in quality and does not meet all of the animals needs. Forms of supplemental phosphorous can range from feeding tubs to adding direct supplement in the feed.
Pre-breeding supplemental tubs can be effective in improving the conception rate of cows.
TLCA President Steve Peddicord then spoke to the group about the cautions needed in buying and selling bred females. The main point of the discussion was until a cow or heifer has been “confirmed bred” by either a veterinarian or by blood testing, there is no guarantee she is bred.
Furthermore, despite the fact a female has checked bred at some point, various factors can still cause the cow to lose the calf. Five percent of all bred cows will abort for various reasons, physical, environmental, etc.
A short business meeting followed the education session. Jim Delk, secretary, read the minutes from the previous meeting and Dr. Charles Daily gave the treasurer’s report followed by a local vet report.
During old and new business the group discussed the upcoming group spring mineral order (members only), a proposed summer beef tour in August, group sponsored van trip to the Farm Machinery Show, and made plans for the next quarterly meeting in April.
The local association welcomes new members to become a part of the cattleman’s group. Anyone wishing to join or get more information contact Steve Peddicord at 688-4492 or Dr. Charles Daily at the Albany Animal Clinic at 387-5086.
Till next time, keep putting on the pounds!
Brad Carter of Burkmann Feeds discusses the need for supplemental phosphorous in a cows diet at the quarterly meeting of the Twin Lakes Cattle Association meeting held January 26.