The Clinton County Industrial Development Authority, meeting in regular session last Thursday morning, approved its second loan within a three-month period and also welcomed a new member resulting in a longer than usual session.
The board heard a lengthy presentation from Dr. Tracy Cross, a local surgeon, who was requesting an industrial authority loan for his medical related business.
Following the presentation, the board voted unanimously to approve a $150,000 loan, with the standard criteria and conditions to apply. Dr. Cross will be operating as Amedysis Solutions, Inc. The loan will be used for the expansion of that medical business.
After literally going a few years without having a loan request made for consideration, the IDA has now made approval two loans within the last three months, totaling $247,000.
Last December, the IDA approved a $97,000 loan request to Barry Cross, dba, Cross Logging Company.
Also during last weeks meeting on February 11, the board accepted the resignation of Crystal Irwin, who had served on the board for just a short while before being appointed to the Clinton County Board of Education in January. According to information provided in the letter or resignation to the board, Irwin could not serve on both the IDA and school board simultaneously.
The board also recognized new member Penny Jo Stearns to the Industrial Development Authority. Stearns had been appointed in January by Clinton Fiscal Court to fill Irwin’s vacant seat.
The IDA also voted to approve CCIDA expenditure reports as well as paying claims and bills.
The next regular meeting of the Industrial Development Authority is scheduled for April 14 at 11 a.m. at the IDA-Welcome Center and is open to the general public.