Healthy Notes …

Posted February 24, 2016 at 3:13 pm

Source: KET

Cultural Changes: Busier But Less Active

The past 50 years have seen dramatic changes in the way children play, eat meals, and socialize. Look at the following chart and think about how your family life has changed and about how the time and opportunities for children to have fun physical activity have been reduced. Then see Steps Toward Solutions for ideas for healthier lifestyle choices for your children and yourself.

Then (circa 1950) Now

Children walked to school. Children ride a bus to school or are driven by a parent.

Family meals were eaten at the table. Meals are often fast food, often eaten in cars.

Portion sizes were smaller. Portions are supersized.

Physical environment included porches, No porches, no sidewalks

sidewalks in neighborhoods. in modern subdivisions.

No air conditioning forced kids to go Air conditioning makes staying inside

outside for cool air. comfortable.

Children played neighborhood games, Children play video games, use computers,

rode bikes, exercised large muscles. watch TV, and use the remote to change channels.

Parents didn’t worry as much when Parents and kids are apprehensive

sending children outside to play. of playing outside.

Physical education was a required Physical education is not always offered by schools.

class in school.

Athletes were expected to be smaller. Athletes are expected to be larger and bulkier.

Intramural sports were available in school. Competitive sports may be the only ones offered in school.

School food options were limited. Schools have food courts, vending machines.

Few organized after-school activities, Frantic driving all over town to get to

more time to play after school. extracurricular activities, meals on the run.

Moms were often at home. Moms are often in the workplace.

Two-parent families were more common. Single-parent families are more common

and are often strapped for time and money.

• According to a 2003 report by the Trust for America’s Health, Kentucky has the fifth highest level of adult obesity in the nation at 25.6 percent, the third highest level of overweight high school students, and the third highest overweight levels for low-income children ages two to five.

• A 2004 report by the Kentucky Department for Public Health titled The Kentucky Obesity Epidemic 2004 reported that almost 15 percent of high school students are seriously overweight, and an additional 15percent are at risk of becoming overweight. More high school boys (20 percent) are overweight compared to girls (10 percent).

• Slightly more than 20 percent of middle school boys and 12 percent of girls are seriously overweight, and an additional 18 percent are at risk of becoming overweight.

• Almost 17 percent of children ages two to four served by the WIC program are already seriously overweight, and another 18 percent are at risk of becoming overweight.

• Overweight children are more likely to suffer from Type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, early maturation, and orthopedic problems. The long-term health consequences of childhood obesity include increased risk of diabetes; stroke; arthritis; heart attack; and cancer of the colon, prostate, and breast.

• In addition to having physiological problems, overweight children are more often teased by their peers, suffer the consequences of negative social stereotypes, and are more likely to have low self-esteem.

Defining Overweight: Calculating Your Body Mass Index

The first challenge in addressing overweight and obesity lies in adopting a common public health measure of these conditions. An expert panel convened by the National Institutes of Health in 1998 adopted body mass index (BMI) for defining overweight and obesity. BMI is a practical measure that requires only two things: accurate measures of an individual’s weight and height (Figure 1). BMI is a measure of weight in relation to height, calculated as weight in pounds divided by the square of the height in inches, multiplied by 703. Alternatively, BMI can be calculated as weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters.

Studies have shown that BMI is significantly correlated with total body fat content for most individuals. BMI has some limitations: It can overestimate body fat in persons who are very muscular, and it can underestimate body fat in persons who have lost muscle mass, such as many elderly. But many organizations, including more than 50 scientific and medical organizations that have endorsed the NIH Clinical Guidelines, support the use of a BMI of 30 kg/m2 or greater to identify obesity in adults and a BMI between 25 kg/m2 and 29.9 kg/m2 to identify overweight in adults. These definitions are based on evidence that suggests health risks are greater for people at or above a BMI of 25 kg/m2 compared to those at a BMI below that level. The risk of death, although modest until a BMI of 30 kg/m2 is reached, increases with an increasing BMI.

Free fruits and vegetables at Albany Elementary

FREE Fresh Fruits and vegetables at Albany Elementary School will be available every Wednesday during snack time for AES students. Parents, please encourage your child to participate in the program.

A friendly reminder all students in Clinton County School District will receive free breakfast and lunch.

National School Breakfast Week is March 7-13, 2016

Parent, please encourage your child to eat a nutritious breakfast every morning.

All students in Clinton County School District receive free breakfast and lunch.

For more information, please contact April Speck, Clinton County Healthy Hometown Coordinator at 606-387-2051 or

Check us out on Facebook- Kentucky’s Healthy Hometown Initiative-Clinton County

Healthy Hometown is working toward a “healthy” Clinton County.