Albany City Council held a brief regular meeting last Tuesday evening, March 5 with five of six council members present and a very short agenda.
The meeting was held in the absence of Mayor Nicky Smith, who had undergone eye surgery in Louisville the day prior to the meting. Also absent was councilman Steve Lawson.
Councilwoman Tonya Thrasher was appointed by her fellow members to chair the brief meeting in the mayor’s absence.
There was no project update report at the meeting, as the only major project had been the proposed water line extension project along the 127 Bypass. However, that project had been nixed earlier by the council when it rejected the USDA offer of funding assistance, citing the cost of the project, at least at this time.
The council did discuss briefly the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer’s proposal and current study to charge a water storage fee for use of water from Lake Cumberland. The lake supplies 11 major users, including several municipalities. Albany gets its water supply from the lake.
Council members were concerned about the possible up front costs the proposal may mean to water users and subsequent annual costs. The new fees, if enacted, would take place beginning in December 2018 and council members noted they would be hearing much more about that issue in the months to come.
The only item of business listed on the agenda, other than approval of minutes, was to declare a 1997 4×4 Chevy pickup as surplus property and set a minimum bid of $700 on the vehicle. A motion was made to advertise for sealed bids, with the price minimum to be specified, with said bids to be opened next month.
Councilman Tony Delk also said he had been contacted by some residents on East Cumberland Street about speeding along that stretch of roadway in the city and police chief Ernest Guffey said his department would begin providing some extra patrol in the area and be on the look out for speeding drivers.
Council members also wished mayor Smith a speedy recovery on his recent emergency eye surgery before adjourning the approximate 15 minute meeting.
The next regular meeting of Albany City Council is scheduled for Tuesday, April 5 at 5 p.m. at city hall and is open to the general public.