The Kentucky United Nations Assembly (KUNA) is a three-day experiential learning conference in which students participate directly in simulated international diplomacy. KUNA offers students the opportunity to experience the richness of cultures from around the world, develop empathy, and hone their critical thinking skills while engaging with a wide variety of perspectives and global issues.
As Ambassadors emulating the culture and diverse interests of UN member countries from around the world, students dive deeply into the culture of another nation and are encouraged to re-examine the world from a new perspective. Students develop solutions for international issues by writing, presenting, debating, and voting on UN Resolutions.
Students also celebrate cultural diversity by representing aspects of their country’s culture and traditions with a booth in the Global Village, country signs and flags during the Parade of Nations, cultural attire from their respective nations, and cultural performances on the International Stage.
This year Clinton County Middle School students in grades 6-8 represented the country of Kenya. The students dressed in their native attire, created and performed an international dance, designed a global village, and debated resolutions dealing with nations around the world. Abbi Young, Christian Derryberry, and Jaden Mullins were recognized for the passage of their resolution in summit. Resolution #24 called for a ban on the sale of ivory to prevent the killing of African elephants.
Christian Derryberry was recognized as Outstanding Speaker and Jaden Mullins was recognized as Outstanding Delegate. The group’s Kenya country sign won them an Honorable Mention award. CCMS Y-Club member Rachel Sawyers was the 2016 KUNA President of the General Assembly.
The Y-Club students were recognized and honored for their accomplishments before the CCMS student body on Wednesday, March 9th. The sponsors for the CCMS Y-Club are Ashley McWhorter and Rachel Bernard.
Members of the Clinton County Middle School who recently participated in the Kentucky United Nations Assembly are pictured above. They are, front row, left to right; Lydia Dyer, Jessica Johnson, Rachel Sawyers, Tagan Garner, Raegan Thrasher, Megan Dishman, Gracie Neal
Middle row, left to right; Taylor Burchett, Abbi Young, Makenzie Kerney, Mattie Honeycutt, Abi Burchett, Molly Cecil, and Cheyenne Neal
Back row, left to right; Hannah Shelley, Dalton Gregory, Alex Pierce, Brittney Stearns, Delaney Chilton, Christian Derryberry, Jaden Mullins, Chase Gibson, Madison Craig and Rhealey Elmore