With the coming of springtime a new and fresh face is welcomed at Albany First Baptist with Scott Fulton becoming the Activities and Youth Minister. Scott assumed his duties the first of March. He will be serving the Lord fulltime with the duties of expanding church growth through youth and related activities.
Scott and his wife Shawnda are originally from Wayne County. He graduated from Wayne County High School in 1994. They have two children, Sierra (14), and Braden (11). Most recently he has served as youth leader at Fall Creek United Baptist Church and was presently the interim pastor at Beech Bottom Baptist c-Church in Clinton County.
“I have felt the call to minister at Albany First Baptist because I feel the Lord can do some amazing things at this church. The facilities and adult support are some of the best around,” noted Fulton. “I really feel blessed that the Lord has chosen me to have this opportunity. I can’t wait to get started.”
“Scott brings a new dimension to our church,” added Bro. Jeff Brown, pastor. “We have wanted to expand the use of our gymnasium and fellowship hall for some time, but didn’t have that key person to organize the activities. With Scott we should be able to do much more.”
Fulton was ordained as a minister at Fall Creek United Baptist in 2011. He currently is working towards a Pastoral Care degree at Clear Creek Baptist Bible College.
Albany First Baptist not only welcomes Scott and his family, but also welcomes everyone in the community to come and worship by enjoying the fellowship of Christian spirit.