Several of the Clinton County Area Technology Center’s Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA) student-led organization along with their instructors/advisors Billie Frye, RN and Cindy Albertson, RN attended the HOSA State Leadership Conference held in Louisville from March 17-18.
Those attending and competing in the conference were: Emily Frye and Sarah Albertson, Career Health Display; Kayla Parrigin, Extemporaneous Health Poster ; Victoria Turner, Nursing Assistant; Mary Cross, Clinical Nursing; Annie Cross, Job Seeking Skills; Mildred Dominguez, Keilee Dalton, Taya Cook, and Allee Hopper, Medical Innovation; Brooke Albertson, Medical Photography; Haley Huckelby, Pharmacology; Chandra Tallent, Human Growth and Development; Mackenzie Polston, Medical Terminology; Erika Rodriguez, Home Health Aide; and Carly Upchurch, Dana Guffey, and Gabby Beaty, HOSA Bowl.
Shown in the picture are as follows from left to right, first row: Billie Frye, RN, Keilee Dalton, Allee Hopper, Erika Rodriguez, Mildred Dominguez, Taya Cook, Carly Upchurch, Brooke Albertson, and Cindy Albertson, RN.
Second row: Sarah Albertson, Haley Huckelby, Chandra Tallent, Gabby Beaty, and Mackenzie Polston.
Third row: Kayla Parrigin, Victoria Turner, Annie Cross, Mary Cross, Dana Guffey and Emily Frye.