Tire Amnesty Days, Dale Hollow Roads Cleanup are this week

Posted April 13, 2016 at 1:58 pm

Local area residents are reminded that the once every three year Tire Amnesty Days for Clinton County is now here and over the next two and-a-half days, people can rid their property of old unused tires, even those that are still on the rims.

Disposing of the tires costs only some work and time, with no disposal fees charged. The program is funded each three-year cycle by the state Division of Waste Management.

Tire Amnesty Days will be this Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 14, 15 and 16. Times will be 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday and Friday and 8 a.m. to 12 noon on Saturday at the Kentucky District 8 Highway Maintenance Garage on Hwy. 2063.

There is no limit to the tires that can be dropped off and there will be people at the site to unload the ones that are brought in. However, tires cannot be dropped off at any other times except the dates and times designated.

The only tires that will not be accepted are: calcium filled; off-road construction; foam filled; solid with pressed on rims; and equipment tires with a head greater than 1 3/4 inch. Also, tires will not be accepted from retailers, scrap dealers, agricultural tire retailers, scrap dealers, salvage yards or tire recyclers.

Dale Hollow Road Cleanup

As part of the PRIDE Cleanup month all throughout April, another reminder in conjunction with that program that will also be taking place this Saturday is the sixth annual Dale Hollow roads cleanup, involving Clinton and Cumberland counties.

“No Place Like Home” is the Spring Cleanup theme, and according to Tammie Wilson of PRIDE, “The Dale Hollow Cleanup has become one of the most successful PRIDE events in the region.”

The program is sponsored by Hendricks Creek Resort, Sulphur Creek Resort, Dale Hollow Lake State Park, and Clinton and Cumberland County Fiscal Court.

On Saturday, registration will begin at various locations. In Clinton County, Dale Hollow Road Cleanup volunteers are asked to meet to register at the Clinton County Courthouse at 9 a.m.

At registration, volunteers will receive trash bags, gloves and safety vests and be directed to an area to clean. Safe, age-appropriate cleanup areas will be available for groups with children, such as schools and churches.

The actual clean-up will begin at 10 a.m., then at noon volunteers will gather for a free cook-out at Dale Hollow Lake State Resort Park. Prize drawings will be held during the cook-out.

There will be three target clean-up areas in Clinton County, including Hwy. 553, the Wisdom Dock Road; Hwy. 738, Wolf River Dock Road, and Foothills Academy starting at Hwy. 1590/90 down Hwy. 1341 for approximately six miles.

For more information about either the Tire Amnesty Days, Dale Hollow Road Cleanup or April PRIDE Cleanup, or to volunteer, call either Solid Waste Coordinator Rick Stearns or the judge/executive’s office at 387-5234.