Court deals with end of fiscal year issues at call meeting

Posted June 15, 2016 at 1:08 pm
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Clinton County Fiscal Court took care of some routine end-of-year business in a quick special call meeting last Monday morning, June 6 with all court members present.

The court first approved one bill, that being the final payment to R & J Transfer for the cleanup of the Blue Ridge Dump. That project was the biggest of several dump cleanups the county is doing this year and the final amount of the clean-up came in a few thousand under the $196,000 projected cost. The motion to approve final payment was made by magistrate Mickey Riddle and passed by unanimous vote.

The court, on a motion by magistrate Patty Guinn, approved one fund transfer of $100,000 from the road fund to the general fund. County Treasurer Tuesday Davis noted those would be paid back prior to the close out of the fiscal year on June 30, as Occupational Tax revenues from Keystone Foods was expected to be in as early as this week, which would cover the road fund transfer.

The usual standing orders for the 2016-17 fiscal year was approved following a motion by magistrate Hershell Key. Those allow for between meeting disbursements, such as payroll, postage, conference trips, etc… be pre-approved for payment without the necessity of a call meeting to vote on the issues.

The court, on a motion by magistrate Ricky Craig, then voted unanimously to advertise for bids for road materials. The advertisement appears elsewhere in this week’s edition.

The final item of business was to accept the lone bid that was forwarded by KACo for road salt, to be used if necessary, this winter. The locked in price would be for $85.50 per ton, slightly under the $90 per ton cost this past year. Should the county need to purchase more road salt during the next winter season, it could purchase from the company at the aforementioned locked in price.

The next regular meeting of Clinton Fiscal Court is scheduled for Thursday, June 16 at 5 p.m. in the upstairs courtroom of the courthouse and is open to the public.