Weather good throughout most of the week, fair ends with Saturday’s events

Posted June 22, 2016 at 1:51 pm



The Clinton County Fair concluded Saturday night and with the exception of an event cancelled Tuesday night for weather, the 2016 fair went off without a hitch.

In the top photo, six of the total 13 contestants in this year’s Miss pageant posed for the judges during the swimsuit portion of the competition.

Right, the carnival was popular this year with many spectators standing in line to ride the selection of rides located behind the grandstands.

Below, the ever popular “Family Night” is always a big hit with the kids as they searched for their shoes in the haystack on Thursday night.

One of the biggest night’s of the fair is always “Derby Night” as seen in the bottom photo. Several features were showcased including the large car, small car, lawnmower and powerwheels derby.

Other photos and highlights can be found elsewhere in this edition of the Clinton County News.
