Clinton County Fiscal Court, meeting in special session last Thursday morning, June 30, approved and adopted the 2016-17 fiscal year budget in the total amount of $4,761,898.
As with first reading held earlier in June, the budget passed on a split vote, but last week the judge/executive didn’t have to cast a vote to break the tie.
The motion to approve second reading was made by magistrate Hershell Key, was seconded by Johnny Russell and magistrate Terry Buster also cast a yes vote. Magistrates Mickey Riddle and Ricky Craig voted no.
During first reading a month ago in early June, the court members split 3-3, with Magistrate Patty Guinn, who was absent last week, also voting no at that time, forcing judge/executive Richard Armstrong to break the tie with a yes vote.
The budget was adopted on the 3-2 vote last week and took effect Friday, July 1.
All magistrates who voted against the budget presented to them cited opposition primarily to some salaries and salary increases included in the budget for some county employees.
They also didn’t agree with the increase in the jail budget and other areas, including funding for the recently revised tourism commission.
A breakdown of the budget by area of expenditure, as well as the percentage of that department the budget represents are as follows:
* General fund: $1,236,280 (25.96 percent).
* Road fund: $1,178,229 (24.74 percent).
* Jail fund: $656,740 (13.79 percent).
* LGEA (Local Government Economic Assistance) fund: $160,550 (3.37 percent).
* DES fund: $15,994 (0.34 percent).
* Ambulance fund: $1,132,311 (23.78 percent).
* Forestry fund: $900 (0.02 percent).
* OCC (Occupational Tax) fund: $42,690 (0.90 percent).
* 911 fund: $318,204 (6.68 percent).
* Tourism Commission: $20,000 (0.42 percent).
(A summarized copy of the budget can be found elsewhere this week and the budget, in full context, may be viewed in the judge/executive’s office during normal business hours.)
The court, by unanimous vote, also approved some fund transfers to balance out the 2015-16 budget, which expired June 30.
The next regular meeting of Clinton County Fiscal Court is scheduled for Thursday, July 21 at 5 p.m. in the upstairs courtroom of the courthouse and is open to the general public.