I am an American.
I am not a “white American,” an “African American,” an “Irish American,” or a “native American.” I’m an American, and my heritage or ancestral history doesn’t affect that in any way. I am an American.
Whether you are Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Atheist, Hindu, or anything else, if you are an American, then I will, and have, put my life on the line to defend your Americans rights. Your religion, or lack of religion, means nothing to me. Your skin color or heritage matters not one small bit to me. You are the same as me. I am the same as you. We are Americans.
Don’t like guns? Feel free to protest. Even though I am a very avid gun fan, I will absolutely defend your right to protest, I’ll even take up arms to defend your right to protest my weapons. That doesn’t make me stupid – that makes me an American that believes in freedom for all of us. The same freedoms for all of us.
Want to attend a mosque instead of a church? No problem from me. I will join forces with others and patrol outside your mosque to keep you safe within. Want to attend a rally protesting abortion? You’ll likely see me outside the line, protecting your right to protest.
If you are an American, these freedoms have been paid for by the blood and tears and heartbreak and agony of not only the fallen soldiers, but also their families. Not all of the fallen were Christian. Not all of the fallen were Muslim. Not all of the fallen believed in God, or abortion, or pro-weapons. But all of them gave their lives and freedom so that we could have ours.
I am an American. I will protect your freedoms, your beliefs, even when they do not mirror my own. If you are an American, then I expect you to be an American, and do the same for me.
Let’s stop being divided and weak. Let’s be Americans.
David Bowlin
David Bowlin served in the United States Air Force and was honorably discharged after almost 10 years of service, eight of which were with special operations command, specializing in aircraft hydraulics systems and computer network security.