Clinton County Board of Education held its monthly business meeting Monday evening, August 15. The session was briefer than average, lasting a little less than a half-hour with all members present.
The board first recognized four recently retired school employees, who combined have over 100 years of education or teaching experience. Those presented plaques of recognition included William Allen Flowers, Barbara McWhorter, Jeff Pharis and Kevin O’Brien
Under consent items, the board approved a family medical leave of absence for Annis Vitatoe through October 10 and a family medical leave for Lisa Angel through October 27. They also approved board minutes, between meeting disbursements and claims and bills.
Finance Director Michael Reeves then gave the monthly finance report. He noted the most recent fiscal year had ended on a good note, with a balance a little higher than the previous year. He also expressed confidence the upcoming fiscal year would also be equally as good.
Board Chairperson Paula Key then gave a lengthy personnel report, which included the following:
* Certified resignations: Erin Casada and Mike Beard, teachers at Clinton County High School.
* Certified hired: Erin Casada, teacher at Clinton County Middle School; Mike Beard, Director of Alternative School–CCHS; Emily Manning, Co-Cheer Coach at CCMS; Pam Lovell, Soccer Coach at CCHS; Brandon Bales and Jared Bertram, teachers at CCHS; Angela Sloan, teacher (Duel Credit classes) one-hour per day at $1,800 per semester consistent with the pay scale established by Somerset Community College.
* Substitute teachers: Kasey Conner, Clinton County Early Childhood Center, Albany Elementary, and 5th grade at Clinton County Middle School; Stephanie Logan, Stacey Guffey and Vivian Talbott, district-wide.
* Classified resignations: Dana Shelley, aide at CCMS; Loretta Ridge and Donna Latham cooks, district-wide; Tyler Shearer, Paraprofessional, AES and district-wide; Celesta Shearer, bus driver, district-wide.
* Classified hired: Tammy Parrish, bus driver, district-wide; Tammy Brown and Lynn Huffman, aides at AES; Tyler Shearer, Network and Systems Administrator, district-wide; Nicholas Irwin, Athletic Program Director at CCHS; Nathan Boils, custodian, 3.5 hours (per day), Clinton County Middle School.
* Classified continuing contract: Tyler Shearer, Network and Systems Administrator, district-wide.
The board then approved the Indirect Cost Report for the 2016-17 school year, with the Non-Restricted Indirect Cost rate at 10.44 and the Restricted Indirect Cost rate at 0.82. Finance Director Reeves noted these rates are set by the state with very little change in percentage from year-to-year.
A trio of bids were then approved, including Manning Brothers for a Combi oven; JW Associates for cafeteria tables and Norvex Supply for two refurbished dishwashers.
After tabling the Supervision of Students Plan for all schools until next month, the board approved the 2016-17 sports schedule for Clinton County High School, including boys’ and girls’ basketball, volleyball, boys’ and girls’ soccer, football, golf and cross country. The schedule approvals, due to team travel, is now required as part of the district insurance liability involving school related trips.
The board also approved revised job descriptions for Director of Pupil Personnel, District Technology Coordinator, Director of Special Education and Home/Hospital Instructor.
The board also voted to abolish two security related positions that are no longer in place, including Director of Security and Clinton County School’s Police Department.
Superintendent Charlotte Nasief noted the district now contracts police security with the City of Albany and its police department at a contracted price, with the city paying the liability insurance.
Finally, Superintendent Nasief gave a brief monthly report, noting the district had been busy with the start of the new school year and have been concentrating on such things as contracts and professional development for staff.
The next work session for the Clinton County Board of Education is scheduled for Thursday, September 8 at 4:30 p.m. and next regular business meeting Monday, September 12 at 5 p.m., both at the Central Office board room and both open to the general public.