To the Editor

Posted August 24, 2016 at 6:40 pm

To the Editor,

Many years before there was electricity a wealthy man built a church for his home town. The people could see how beautiful the outside was. Finally, they were allowed to see the inside. It was wonderfully beautiful, but there was not enough light.

The wealthy man had not put enough lanterns scattered around the inside. His answer was to point at the wall at the end of each bench. He explained how each family, or individual, should carry a lantern to church, and hang it from a hook on the wall. The church would have plenty of light.

Ray. C. Stedman told this story in one of his books to explain how important the people are to a church.

The Bible speaks of how important the human heart is to each of us. When God looks inside our heart, he knows the true condition our life is in.

In Samuel 16 God sends Samuel to Bethlehem. There God will show him which son of Jesse to anoint the next king of Israel. Verse 7 ends with, “Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

Mary C. Albertson

Albany, Kentucky