Charlene Conley, a longtime friend and co-worker

Posted September 21, 2016 at 8:19 am

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My brother, Mark, and I watched the morning of September 6th as Lamon Hubbs planted our longtime friend and co-worker, Charline Conley, at Elk Spring Cemetery. Steve Lawson was also there, along with Lamon’s dad, Lamon. At the request of Steve Talbott, Lamon Sr. said a prayer before they lowered Charline’s casket into the ground. She now lies beside her mom and dad, Tom and Olga Conley, and just a few feet from her grandparents, David and Margaret (Maggie) Gregory. Her aunt and uncle, James and Ollie McClane, lie buried nearby. It is a beautiful cemetery.

Charline Conley was 96 years old when she died on September 3rd. Her mom was 102. Her grandmother was 101. Lamon said it was because of that good Gregory heart. I think he is right.

Lamon directed her funeral service, which was one of the best “Gone Home Celebrations” I have ever seen and/or been a part of. He also helped carry her casket from the hearse to the gravesite, and then he covered her grave with dirt. Today was one more promise delivered.

One of the Gaither Vocal Band’s songs from their 2009 album, “Reunited,” is entitled “I Am Loved.” The chorus goes: “I am loved, I am loved, I can risk loving you, For the one who knows me best loves me most”

These past several days, watching Lamon deliver on promises he made to Charline, I have witnessed love.

He was her boy.

Randy Speck

Randy Speck writes on his blog, The Notorious Meddler, at He is a 40+ year radio broadcaster and is presently on the air at WFLW-AM in Monticello, Kentucky and at WKYR-FM in Burkesville, Kentucky.

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