Clinton Fiscal Court held a brief call meeting last Wednesday morning with five of six members present and four items of business on the agenda.
The court voted to pay one bill, that being for the county’s advertisement in the Foothills Festival book. Also in relation to the festival, they voted to pay two temporary workers $150 each to clean the courthouse and restrooms during this weekend’s Foothills Festival.
The court was also presented and accepted two taxing district rates, including the Soil Conservation District which is .0175 cents per $100 assessed value on personal, tangible and inventory property.
They also accepted the Clinton County School District rates of 42.6 percent on property, 53 cents on motor vehicle and watercraft and three percent on utilities.
The next regular meeting of the fiscal court is scheduled for Thursday, October 20 at 5 p.m. in the upstairs courtroom of the courthouse and is open to the general public.