The first Relay For Life of Clinton County informational meeting was held last Tuesday, October 4 at the Clinton County Extension Office. However, fundraising for the 2017 local campaign began over a month ago, officially starting the year on September 1, according to Amanda Messer, Relay For Life Community Manager.
Messer also announced some good news pertaining to the 2016 Relay goal. Most people may be unaware, but fundraising year-to-year for the American Cancer Society’s signature event begins each September and runs through the end of August.
Because of the year-round efforts, Clinton County’s Relay for Life, by the end of August, had raised a grand total for the year of $50,130–$130 more than the actual goal of $50,000 that was set last year.
Even after the main Relay for Life event was held last April, funds continued to trickle in from various sources, including memorial donations, Hope t-shirt sales and general contributions which can be made throughout the year.
During last week’s meeting, in which about eight people, including Relay team captains attended, some goals for the 2017 year were set.
In 2016, there were 34 participating cancer survivors, up from 24 in 2015 with the new/returning goal for 2017 being 40 survivors.
In 2015, there were seven Relay teams but in 2016 that number dropped by one, to six teams, with the 2017 goal for participating teams set at eight. All six teams from last year are returning this year.
Sponsorships in 2016 were $3,350, up $800 from $2,550 the previous year. The new/returning sponsorships are $3,350 with the goal this year being $3,000.00.
The fundraising goal for the 2017 year–which again, runs through August 31 next year, was set at $52,000.00.
The group also scheduled the date for the 2017 Relay For Life main event, which will be held April 21 from 3-9 p.m., again at Clinton County High School.
The theme for the current year’s Relay For Life in Clinton County will be “Hoping For A Happily Ever After” and will base it’s theme around Disney movies with happy endings.
Messer explained that although fundraising events are already underway, the official kick-off is set for Sunday, November 13. On that date, all churches will be asked to hold an Honor Survivors Day. She noted that churches would not be requested to raise funds for the ACS on that date, but could do so on a voluntary basis if they wish. The primary goal is to honor those who have survived cancer and get the message out about cancer research.
Messer said during an interview last week that the local Relay For Life website should be up and running and was set to go live October 8. The site, which will have continuous updates on events, fundraisers, etc., can be found at It can also be found on Facebook at Relay For Life of Clinton County KY.
Those attending last week’s information session also discussed several topics pertaining to this year’s fundraising efforts, including adding new teams, mission work, the survivor dinner meal that will be held in the spring and the need for volunteers.
Messer did stress the crucial need for more volunteers, including teams and team captains this year and anyone interested in helping out may make contact by either the website, Facebook page, or calling her at 387-4238.
Also discussed was the various “Pink-Out” nights held by sports teams at both Clinton County High School and the middle school, which has long been a major part of the fundraising that takes place annually. A new event discussed was the “Relay Recess” at the Early Childhood Center and Albany Elementary.
Messer also noted that Albany IGA is now in it’s 26th year as a partner with the American Cancer Society. Each store is offering ACS cards for $1, $3, $5 and $10 with the proceeds going to each local Relay For Life fundraiser.
Messer also noted that organizations at the high school seemed very enthused about the fundraising efforts, with a lot of good ideas for events and also praised Keystone Foods (Equity Group) for it’s major support over the years. This year, she noted, Keystone was awarded a trip for two to Birmingham for being one of the top fundraisers for the ACS, raising $40,000 plus having a fundraising team.
Also at last week’s meeting, awards were given out to four volunteers who worked tirelessly in fundraising events last year and in years past. Those cited include:
* Lorrie Dalton, Volunteer of the Year: Excellence in helping to prevent cancer.
* Lynette Bagwell: Volunteer of the Year: Excellence in caring for those with cancer.
* Amy Brown Gibson: Volunteer of the Year: Excellence in helping seek a cure.
* Lisa Smith: Volunteer of the Year: Excellence in advocating and fighting back.
Messer, who is the Community Manager for the region that takes in a six-county area including Clinton, Adair, Metcalfe, Monroe, Russell and Wayne counties, also added that donations to the American Cancer Society, including the Clinton County Relay for Life, could be made at any time, year-round by contacting any Relay for Life member, visiting the local website or the ACS site at or by calling 1-800-ACS-2345. Donations made through the ACS may be directed to any local area or county the donator wishes.
Additional information on events that will be held throughout the year will be periodically published in the Clinton County News.