Judy Denney and Ashley Byers, left, were the winners in the Parent-Child Look-A-Like contest Saturday. Teresa and Kana Wade were selected as the second place winners.
Not all of what is important at the Foothills Festival takes place on stage. Part of the attraction of the fall celebration is having the chance to visit with friends, old and new. Jackie Pierce and Darrel Claywell were spotted Saturday taking a break from sightseeing, having a chat and checking out some wooden rocking chairs that were for sale at one of the many Arts and Crafts booths around the courthouse square.
Foothills fans stopped by the Foothills Building all day Saturday, to admire the entries in the Pumpking Carving, Pumpkin Decorating and Lego Building contests.
From left to right, Miss winner Taya Cook, Miss Teen winner Tristan Elizabeth Moons, Miss Pre-Teen winner Landree Reece Moons, Little Miss and Mister Foothills Christopher Ipock, and Alexi Messer and Little Miss Foothills Jersie Smith were all smiles during the Foothills Festival Lip Sync contest Saturday afternoon.
One of the musical acts to take the stage Saturday afternoon was the Bluegrass group Timberline Road. Sponsored by the Clinton County Community Foundation, the group performed a host of well-known bluegrass selections.
The coveted first place win and possession of the traveling trophy for best window decoration went to the Corner Stone Restaurant this year for this collection of items that noted the Celebrating of My Ol’ Kentucky Home. Second place was earned by Twisted Zebra with Clinton Jewelers picking up third place in the contest.
Saturday night’s entertainment to close out the Foothills Festival included Cody Hull, right, an up and coming bluegrass music entertainer from neighboring Pickett County, Tennessee. He was joined on stage by his sister, bluegrass music star Sierra Hull, shown in the above photo as the show first began.