Scenes from the 2016 Foothills Festival

Posted October 19, 2016 at 7:35 am


Ronnie Pyles and his Allis Chalmers won first place in Friday’s Antique Tractor Division in the Foothills Parade.

Second place in the parade Antique Tractor Division went to Ethan Harris and his John Deere.


Michael Thurman and his Allis Chalmers earned third place in the Foothills parade antique tractor competition.


Brenda Vitatoe won first place in Friday’s Foothills Parade Wagon competition.


Delmer Vitatoe’s wagon earned a second place finish in the Wagon Division of Friday’s parade.


Bob and Betty Sawyers picked up the third place win in the Wagon Division of the Foothills parade.

Tyler and Elliot Parkhurst won the 0-6 age division of the Foothills Parent-Child Look-A-Like contest. Holly Johnson and Julia Anderson, not pictured, were the second place winners.


Allison and Holden Thrasher, left, won the Parent-Child Look-A-Like contest in the 7-12 age division,with Tammy and Josie Butler being selected second place.