Good Neighbors Theatre announces its fall production, “Dearly Departed”, a drop dead comedy written by David Dean Bottrell and Jessie Jones, both of whom are Kentucky born actors. People’s Bank and Trust of Pickett County begins its third season as Corporate Sponsor with this play. The Theatre is located in Byrdstown, TN at 8780 Highway 111.
Good Neighbors Theatre has long wanted to expand its relationship with the arts by hosting an art exhibit. The theatre will host its first art exhibit entitled “Autumn Beauty” at the theatre in tandem with the fall performance of “Dearly Departed”. Works of a variety of local artists will be on display.
There will be a “Meet the Artist” event held on Saturday, October 29th from 6:00-8:00 pm to kick off the exhibit. The exhibit will run from Saturday, October 29th through Sunday, November 13th coinciding with performances of the production.
“Dearly Departed” premiered in New Haven Connecticut in 1991. That same year it received critical acclaim in its Off-Broadway opening at the Second Stage Theater in New York. The New York Daily News said that “Dearly Departed” is drop dead funny…but don’t take our word, see it for yourself.” “Dearly Departed” was then produced in Los Angeles where it received six Drama Logue Awards including “Best Production” and “Best Play Writing”. It was subsequently published and has been produced in hundreds of regional theaters in the United States, United Kingdom, and, Australia. If you see one play this year at GNT, don’t miss this one! Show dates are: Fridays and Saturdays on November 4, 5, 11, and 12 at 7:00 p.m. Sundays on November 6 and 13 at 2:00 p.m.
This hilarious comedy deals with a group of small town southerners, trying to get through a family funeral without causing even more grief. When the Patriarch of the Turpin family keels over dead in the first scene, the struggle to get him buried involves the whole clan, including the not-so-grieving widow who wants to put “mean and surly” on the tombstone. Despite the comedic efforts of this family to pull themselves together for the funeral, their other problems keep overshadowing the solemn occasion: oldest son, Ray-Bud, drinks himself silly as the funeral bills mount, Junior, the younger son, is juggling financial ruin, a pack of unruly kids and a wife who suspects him of infidelity in the family car, and their unmarried sister, Delightful, continues to seek consolation by eating junk food. Amidst the chaos, the Turpin family turns to an eccentric community of misfits for comfort, and they just manage to pull everyone together through their hours of need.
Ticket Prices are $12.00 plus tax/adult and $8.00 plus tax/child between three and 12 years of age. Lap babies two and under are free. Tickets will be available October 24 at the Byrdstown-Pickett County Chamber of Commerce, located at 1005 Highway 111. All pre-reserved tickets must be paid for at the time the reservation is made. The chamber’s phone is 931-864-7195.
Tickets may also be purchased at the Good Neighbors Theatre ticket booth on the night of the performances. All ticket sales are final. Unused tickets are non-refundable.
To purchase by mail, please mail the following information with payment to: Good Neighbors Theatre, PO Box 493, Byrdstown, TN 38549. Name, phone, email, number of adult tickets at $13.17, number of child tickets at $8.78, and total amount enclosed.
Also indicate the performance you want to attend: November 4, 5, 6, 11, 12 and/or November 13.
All reservations by mail must be received day prior to selected date. Please provide a complete list of names/dates of all ticket holders for the reservation. Tickets for mail-in reservations are held for Will Call at the GNT ticket booth on the night of the performance/s you select.
Those requiring special assistance must indicate their need at the time reservation is made. Make checks payable to GNT at P.O. Box 493, Byrdstown, TN 38549. Messages may be left at 931-864-4569.
Good Neighbors Theatre is an equal opportunity provider and employer.