It’s not a contest, but the search is on for performers with a talent to share on stage at Good Neighbors Theatre’s 3rd Christmas Spectacular. Previous year’s events have been full of the spirit of the season presented by a variety of very talented folks, and this year should be no different.
GNT just needs talented folks to come to an informational meeting Monday, November 14th and Tuesday, November 15th at 6:00 pm. at the theatre.
The “spectacular” performances are scheduled for Friday December 9th at 7:00, Saturday December 10th at 7:00, Sunday December 11th at 2:00.
Interested performers will need to come to this meeting prepared to perform their act for the director. The director will also have suggestions for those who would like to perform, but need help knowing just what they can do. Performers can showcase playing an instrument, acting, singing, dancing—or all of them! Talent will be organized into an evening that will surely bring the Christmas Spirit to the stage for everyone to enjoy!
Performers must provide their own music if they use a CD. This performance is under the coordination and direction of Tyler Martin and Missy Davis.